A Unyforme Design film
Director: Béni Fundr
Written by: Michael Dairo
Now more than ever a short film representing the struggles and the injustice being shown towards black people across the world, notably in the US and the UK is now here!

Directed by Béni Fundr and written by Micheal Dairo tells the story of a young black male, trying to find solace in an empty forest on a sunny day. The film portrays the alternate life of a black male who is exploring and living care-free, without having to worry about the troubles that society brings him because of the colour of his skin. Accompanied by the soundtrack of "Every Nigger is a Star" performed by Boris Gardiner the film was made to highlight the on-going issues experienced by the black community, as we continue to push for justice and equality for all and to also show that life for the black male doesn't have to be about pain and suffering, but can be about peace, happiness and self-discovery.

The short film was a great representation of what is going on in the world today! And people should start focusing more of an awareness to both director Béni Fundr and writer Michael Dairo.
Watch the short film here: