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Simmering In The Warmth Of A Soulful Sanctuary, Songstress Natanya Popoola releases ‘Foolish’

Accumulating fans and attention through TikTok, Natanya Popoola makes us sway to the refreshing, sensual and therapeutic sound of ‘Foolish’; a beautiful anecdote incorporating influences from several genres that allows us to undeniably place the song on repeat.

Neo-Soul, Alternative RnB, and Soul are the genres that she establishes herself in; permitting blends of melodies, infusions of a jazzy-like bass and a caressing guitar strum to resonate... marrying it with the themes of divine femininity, independence and the ambience of summer - executed gracefully in this dreamy song. She gains wisdom and provides a soulful remedy for listeners engulfed in romantic conflict yet it being angelic, divine and serene. Additionally, Natanya allows us to be lured into an enchanting and magical dream of not putting up with mindless encounters.

With influences from Erykah Badu and Mereba, she authentically produces a sound that mimics the evolution of watching a flower bloom. Moreover, known to write and produce her own music, it's clear that Natanya is a master at her musical craft. By using the platform TikTok, she establishes an intimate connection with her fans; exhibiting the creation of her art all whilst maintaining her charming presence. Having previously released pleasurable songs such as ‘Sunset Melody’ and ‘Like U’, Natanya is already star in the making, providing an exquisite escapism for musical lovers.



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