Nia Ekenem is a British vocalist and guitar player of Nigerian decent. He is an artist that evokes emotion simply by the tone of his voice, similar to legacy acts such as the late great Sam Cooke and Otis Redding. The passion in his voice is carried out in the music he creates with his producer Lloyd Hinshelwood and writer Alba. His lead single 'Fadin' from his debut project 'It's Your Love' has continued to grow since its release and articulates a topic within the subject of love that many can relate to. The high octane chorus, supplemented by the gritty vocals of Nia and the thumping sounds of the drum pattern on the original, a soulful record from start to finish with distinct valley's and peaks that provide an immersive journey of emotion.

Nia Ekenem Released a stripped down version of the song Nia allows his vocals and lyrics of the record to take centre stage, The atmospheric piano keys and guitar riff are a subtle backdrop to the beautiful record. Fadin' is a song cultivated from a conversation between Nia and his Producer/songwriter that is not only relate-able but has a nostalgic feel in content and sound.
Listen to the Original and Stripped back version below!