The return of one of the most compelling, innovative and entertaining figures in UK music is bittersweet to an extent, with the comeback scarred by the abhorrent news that Pa Salieu had his Commonwealth Games performance cancelled at the last minute due to him ‘failing background checks’. It’s refreshing to see an artist as honest and upfront about his personal dealings as Pa has been, and the treatment of a renowned and respected musician by some sections of the press, the court and the government is nothing short of appalling.

Coventry’s finest turns his anger and anguish into artistic acumen on 'Mista / Lennon Freestyle', with a sharp reminder of the rapper’s class, charisma and creativity. Showcasing his versatility with two beats of stark sonic separation, Salieu emits his turmoil through impassioned delivery, resonant writing and infectious energy. 'Mista'’s instrumental obtains the deep percussive gusto that features throughout Pa’s esteemed discography, with Salieu savaging the beat with an off-kilter flow and ravaging tone, radiating his frustrations about the seemingly never-ending case he is tied up in. ‘Lennon’ is gentle and groove-laden, with the rapper reflecting on the situation in introspection, dismayed but defiant, focused on success and self-improvement. Pa’s brooding, refined performance is mirrored in the tone of the visuals, which offers gorgeous black and white cinematography and modest camera work.
Hopefully the next Pa Salieu release we are blessed with comes swiftly and in better circumstances, but for now take in this potent piece of work below.
Words by Ben Tibbits