With this being probably his most experimental release to date, UK rapper Finn Foxell unveiled the indie rock-centred single 'Leaders' which solidifies a brand new musical pathway for the artist. Produced by Jacob Manson, 'Leaders' also follows from his most recent EP Alright Sunshine and demonstrates his vigor to continuously surprise us as he ventures into new sonics.

Almost as a spokesperson for the younger generation through his music, Foxell speaks on the current state of UK politics. As indie and punk rock was born out of speaking about political injustice and channeling anger and frustration, Foxell stated that he actually didn't even have a political motive from the beginning.
But 'Leaders' allows himself to fully speak his mind. He playfully and vigorously demonstrates his lack of faith in the system. "There’s a lot of frustration right now from all corners of our society except the top, they seem to just fuck about like bored spoilt kids whilst we all decline... This song reflects the general lack of faith in our political system, it’s a house of clowns in my eyes, tricky because they’re dangerous ones.”
With his music surrounding community, whether it be through lyrics or through collaborations, Finn Foxell has steadily formed a secure cult following who enjoy watching all of his ventures. As he uncovers the raw and gritty realities of life and London town, his ongoing mentality is about unapologetically being himself and doing his best to experiment when he can, regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Finn Foxell will also be touring the UK on his 'What's Your Poison' Tour the 20th of October in Glasgow and finishing in London on the 5th of November.
Listen to Finn Foxell's new single 'Leaders' here!