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A Conversation About Kanye West's Attempt At Trying To Speak The Truth

The seemingly constant drama and controversy about Kanye West reveals ugly truths that we try to avoid.

Because of Kanye's abstract (some times offensive) thinking, critics believe he suffers from mental illness that he refuses to seek help for or acknowledge. There seems to be a theme of using mental health as a way of putting people down and discrediting them in Hollywood. I've seen this happen with numerous celebrities such as Selena Gomez, and Cara Delevingne. Kanye has expressed how the idea of him being "mentally ill" marginalizes his ability to speak on things that others don't agree with. I don't necessarily agree with the things Kanye speaks about, but I believe there's a difference in saying things in a way that people find offensive or untruthful and being mentally ill for saying those things. Calling people "mentally ill" for untruthful and offensive remarks is weaponizing mental health.

There have been multiple celebrities that come from Hollywood who have broken down on stage, been institutionalized, or said something out of the norm. Whenever this happens, the media manipulates the situation. They are usually censored or cancelled and deemed unable to speak about certain things anymore. It makes you question if there’s a reason the media is silencing and belittling people who are trying to speak out about their struggles.

There is specifically a history of censorship I want to discuss when it comes to Black artists speaking out about negative things in the industry through their music. Who sets and controls the narrative? Why is it okay to degrade certain communities through art and music, but the line is drawn if it is about people in power?

The percentage of people in power in the entertainment industry overwhelmingly happen to be American Jewish men. As in all five major film studios (Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Walt Disney Pictures, Columbia Pictures) are run by men who happen to be Jewish. So if you ask me, I don't think attacking an industry for their injustice is anti-semitic merely because they happen to be Jewish.

Kanye has said a lot of hurtful things about all groups of people. He has hurt White people, he has hurt Black people, and recently, the Jewish community. But the recent comments have gotten people more upset than usual. It’s important to consider how there is a pattern of how the media handles anti-Semitism. Whenever Black people have called out the people in power about injustices they are facing, they are usually tagged with being anti-Semitic. Mandela, Oprah, Martin Luther king, Fredrick Douglass we’re all accused of being anti-Semitic.

Why are comments less criticized when they are anti-Muslim? Anti-Black? Anti-Asian? Is there a hierarchy to which the line is drawn? Is there an important group of people who shall not be named for the wrongs?

Kanye has spoken out about getting misdiagnosed and being “drugged to behave like a good celebrity.” He believes that the drugs they put people on for mental health kills the creativity of the mind. I don’t agree with a lot of Kanye’s statements and politics, but this I can believe. It’s commonly known that people who are mentally ill or institutionalized are drugged and made into completely different people. So, maybe there needs to be a deeper look on how mental health is handled in this industry? Instead of obsessing over the issues Kanye is stirring, let us discuss and analyze the causes that drive celebrities to this point?

In response to the “anti-Semitic” comments Kanye made, his personal trainer essentially gave him an ultimatum. The trainer was exposed saying “I’m going to help you one of a couple ways… First, you and I sit down and have a loving and open conversation…Second option, I have you institutionalized again where they medicate the crap out of you, and you go back to Zombieland forever.” Can this be considered as an attempt of censorship? I think the answer to my question is self-explanatory considering he wants to send Kanye back to “Zombieland” for trying to speak out about a potentially very real issue going on in Hollywood.

Anyone who speaks out about what is happening in Hollywood against the people in power are often tagged with being anti-Semitic to deflect from the real issue. It’s worth considering that Kanye could be pointing out unjust things that he’s witnessing (that we, the people, don’t have the opportunity to see), and is overwhelmed. I believe the news he’s trying to deliver, but I could also understand how his delivery could be offensive.

Let me be clear when I say, anti-Semitism is never okay and should not be tolerated. But I also believe that we need to analyze if this situation is trying to be anti-Semitic or merely being painted as anti-Semitic for the purpose of concealing the real issue trying to be presented. I also deeply believe that Kanye’s comments expose racist biases in Western media. Why are anti-Muslim/Asian/Black comments never as highly criticized in the media?

Is it possible that Kanye is trying to tell the world something unjust and wrong in an industry that is not often criticized?


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