After a 5-year hiatus, 6LACK (pronounced black) is finally back in our music rotation with a profound new song ‘Since I Have a Lover’. This came right after the Atlanta raised singer-songwriter announced his much anticipated album titled ‘I Have a Lover’ to release on March 24th. In a carefully crafted gathering of melodies that can be interpreted as a love letter to his muse, 6LACK displays his softer side just on time for the end of a high-spirited love season. This is his official follow up from well-received love-oriented track ‘Pretty Little Fears’ featuring North Carolina rapper J. Cole in 2018.
6LACK's start in the music industry began far before the often talked-about popularisation of 2016 hit song ‘PRBLMS’; however, the impact he was able to leave in such a short amount of time ever since is very apparent and resonates amongst eager music enthusiasts. 6LACK`s latest single is a testimony of love and could be a hint of what he's been up to these past years. Even though not much is known about 6LACK’s reason for choosing to stay out of the limelight for such a long period, we can surely expect an explanation from him in his up-coming project.

Since I Have a Lover
Often enough, black men are taught not to be vulnerable and keep their emotions to themselves. Through the reinforcement of the music industry, when one finds himself in a healthy relationship, it gets dismissed; however, when male artists degrade their partner and portray toxicity, it is deemed as applaudable. Only on rare occasions do you find healthy love songs from the male perspective that get well-regarded and cherished by music listeners around the world. What 6LACK is able to evoke would fall under this particular listening experience where one can relate to the feeling of love and also, get behind a positive message, no matter your gender or race.
Enclosed in a loving relationship that seemingly has made 6LACK proud to claim it out loud, ‘Since I Have a Lover´ can be seen as a sweet gesture to celebrate one's amazing partner. In this stage, the East Atlanta artist is as vulnerable as he can be, revealing it all from “Don´t want to love you just for fun” to “The type of love you supply can´t be televised”. For what seems to be of great importance for 6LACK, his significant other has brought lightness to his life and he can imagine bringing her positive influence on tour and throughout his upcoming album rollout. All in all, the song is a light-hearted ballad, where the soft-spoken singer openly confesses his love, in hopes that the positive energy may reflect onto those in need.
Music Video
For the accompanied visuals, a great amount of focus was placed into creating a symbolic representation of 6LACK current love experience. The music video starts at an abandoned home, which can be a portrayal of 6LACK´s hard yet humble beginnings. As the video progresses, he is seen walking in the neighbourhood, while his feet become lighter and he slowly starts floating. The resonance of his love is so strong that it shines across all of the people he meets and they begin floating with him. At the same instance 6LACK is singing about his lover, the Atlanta star gradually floats even higher, to the point he reaches a billboard. In a way, his healthy relationship could be understood as one of the reasons despite the hard times, he keeps on going and he is constantly able to reach new heights.
Much like the song itself, 6LACK chose the simple approach to display his affection and visualise how his current lover makes him feel. As a consequence, the visuals work perfectly well with the music and naturally create this balance between the joyful sound and the storyline.
This is what 6LACK had to share about his single:
“‘Since I Have A Lover’, the title track, is the highs of having a healthy love, compressed into song format. It’s a note to self, that I’m no longer who I was or where I was, and that there’s a bigger purpose starting to reveal itself in the things I create. We are simply pushing love, because it’s needed. The verses are short and serve as a moment of acknowledgment for how I feel, and the chorus is less of a lyric and more of a feeling. It’s an exhale, it’s relief, it’s trust, it’s happiness, it’s surreal.”
With the use of a pure message and captivating visuals, it is hard not to adore whatever 6LACK has been hiding up his sleeve for years. A common question that may roam about however, is whether this song is a strong enough comeback after such a long time of residing in the dark. ‘Since I Have a Lover’ is not necessarily the most catchy take coming from the ‘FREE 6LACK’ vocalist, but it gives us a glimpse into where 6LACK is at in life right now and it can only be described as a special treat to his loyal fans who have been waiting patiently for his official return.
Another angle in which we can view this first single is as a stepping stone where 6LACK will eventually bring forth a lot more on his project coming out on March 24th. Although this particular move may not have been the most impactful new release, it is too early to assume that 6LACK doesn't have timeless bangers dropping next.