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Wxve96: A Producer Duo Taking Rising Artists To Another Level.

Photography by Derrick Odafi

Wave96ix is formed of ‘Ab’ and ‘Frosty the Producer’ who are a producer duo from East London. The duo has been friends for many years, and amongst those years have found that their musical talents compliment each other. Ab’s experience with using digital audio workstations and Frosty’s ability to play numerous instruments made this duo work. Their musical background being quite dissimilar allows the duo to curate music that appeal to many.

“We don’t wanna limit ourselves to one genre” – Frosty

Even though, this duo has their differences their similar musical and creative direction allows this duo to work cohesively. As individuals their thoughts, ideas and concepts align together allowing this duo to be in sync.

Photography by Derrick Odafi

Their latest productions include ‘Ace x MV – Naija Ninja’ and ‘MV FT. Razr Ramone – Dream’. The duo is also currently working on a project with the up and coming artist B Joux which will be released sometime this year. Wave96ix are consistently working and creating, that we can guarantee this duo is here to stay. Their creative flare, musical knowledge and willingness to bring a different sound will lead this duo to reach new heights.

We have had the opportunity to sit down with Wxve96ix and, get to know this duo on a personal level and dive deeper into their musical productions, ambitions, opinions and much more!

Check out an extract from our interview with Wave96ix below.

Photography by Derrick Odafi

Wxve96 on their group and individual aliases

NWM: Why do you call yourselves Wxve96?

AB: Before, we were called JM Beats, He was Junior and I was called Mr Man [Laughs]

A lot of people knew me by that because I was DJing as well. That was in secondary school. During University, when we reconnected it was FM Productions. We thought it could work because of the FM radio connotations. He had changed his name to Frosty and by that time I wasn’t feeling the name Mr Man, so I was gonna call myself ‘Wave96’. I made an Instagram by that name for myself.

Frosty was like nah, lets make that our group name.

NWM: That a lit name

AB: Yeah, we’re wavy guys, not to brag or boast, we feel like we’re good at what we do, and were both born in 1996 as well.

I threw ‘Mr Man’ out the window and changed my name to AB, my real name is Albert, so it made sense.

Frosty: Now he’s AB the creator.

NWM: In terms of your chemistry, do you guys have to go through experiences together which is then shared through your production?

Frosty: I think its communication. Its not just us two. There’s a whole group of us. We’re always talking, we’re always doing things together, we always make sure our ideas are put together.

We haven’t come up with a name for ourselves like that but were always together. Mainly because of that, Me and AB have always kept in touch and vibe with each other.

AB: That the reason why God put us together. God wanted us to meet each other and bounce off each other from early, so that way we’d grow and flourish. The experiences we’ve been through, its been mad.

Frosty: There’s no one id rather trust, other than AB anyway

AB: Trust, its natural.

Photography by Derrick Odafi

Wxve96 on their future plans

NWM: What accolades do you guys aim to achieve?

AB: One thing I’ve always wanted to do is creating a score for a movie. I used to write different scripts as well and I used to imagine some of my beats in this movie I’m creating.

Another is working with some of my favourite rappers. Like Nas. I need to work with Nas, before he dies or before I die.

Frosty: The main thing I want to achieve is getting to that stage where I have produced everything. I wanna get to that global stage where any track we do, no matter the artist, as long as the song bangs it’s out there.

NWM: Where do you see yourselves in a years’ time?

Frosty: I just see us doing the same thing we’re doing now, just putting out music.

AB: At a higher level though. I want my artists to be the guys. I want B Joux to be the guy that everyone is listening to, I want MV to be the guy everyone is listening to, Ace as well. I’m not really too fussed about working with other artists. That’s something I can see happening in the last part of this year, leading to the next year.

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