Drenched in individuality and rooted in a ruggedly nuanced sound, Cardiff-native Yxngxr1 is in a weaning category of artists who don’t take themselves too seriously. Having gained an emphatic following through his eclectic and incessant releases, Yxngxr1’s style has evolved immeasurably whilst remaining entrenched in his sonic ideologies; an arduous accomplishment. His latest album Teenage Motel is a winding narrative of love, nostalgia, heart and soul, tinged with poignant musings and pop culture references. Above all else, like the artist himself, it’s jolly good fun.

"I think it’s about putting stuff out to build confidence, rather than building confidence to put stuff out"
We love that your drive for creation comes from wanting to hear songs that he loves, tweaking formulas to make what he feels is an enhanced version
Where does your influence to create come from?
I literally only make stuff that I want to listen to. I listen to another song and might think I like the chord progression but I don’t like the lyrics. So I might move the chord progression about in another way or add in parts and basically make it how I want it. Since I’ve been doing that, people really fuck with it, and if they like it so do I. I haven’t stopped listening to the album since we made it, it’s actually really fun.
We love how you only work with artists that you admire and appreciate, like Lee Scott and Black Josh on album standout ‘Room 2’
The Blah Records duo - where did that collab come from?
They are so underrated. I was speaking to my brother and we said we had to get them on the album, they are too good to not be. I messaged Black Josh, asked if he wanted to be on the album and he was up for it. Then we didn’t speak for like two months and then I sent him and beat and asked if Lee Scott would be down too. A month later we had the whole song ready.
We love the DIY ethos runs through his music, opting for simplicity but not sacrificing your artistry by doing so
How would you define your style?
I describe my music as scuffed indie pop. It’s not made properly. It’s all made on Garageband, I have always done so and I won’t switch it up. It’s not done professionally but it kinda sounds like it could be. I love Garageband, it’s so easy to use. Even when I send vocals to producers I tell them not to touch it, that’s how they are meant to sound. I just love being able to do vocals, mixing and playing all on my own. It makes you feel closer to the song, rather than just doing your vocal and getting the cut back. Music videos too, I love just grabbing a camera, messaging your mates. I kinda love when shit goes wrong, when you forget lyrics in videos.
We love that, through trial and error listening to your audience and your love of creating, you has been able to adapt your music and find the pocket that stylistically suits you perfectly
What advice would you give to a creative who wants to convey their art in the way they want to?
When I first started I sent a bunch of demos to my friends and they were like “bro this is not it”. Looking back it was not good, and I felt a bit embarrassed. I changed my name and just thought I’m gonna do this, if it goes well then sick and if it doesn’t then nobody’s going to know it’s me. I did it on my own, putting stuff out and seeing how people would react to it. I was putting money behind promo and it was reaching some ears. I think it’s about putting stuff out to build confidence, rather than building confidence to put stuff out. It’s the same with anything, you have to do it to build. There’s no point gassing yourself up. Let people hear your music and listen to what they have to say. Make sure you’re doing it because you love it, not to try and be rich and famous. We put out load of demos last year just because I want people to hear them. I love having people react to my music.
We love that you love screen printing clothes and Wilfred Zaha
What are you interests outside of music?
I like making clothes. I started screen printing last year. We did a couple of merch drops and I hand printed everything myself. I was in my living room doing it myself and packing them up. I love buying vintage clothes and screen printing on it, making sick designs. I like football as well. I like Wilfred Zaha, he used to play for Cardiff which is where I’m from. But right now I’m on Crystal Palace vibes because Wilfred plays there.
We love that if you weren't a musician, you'd be running the show at Footlocker:
If you weren’t a musician, what would you be ?
I’d be manager in Footlocker. I would be running that gaff right now, I’m be storming that shop. I used to work there. I was never late, I got promoted to shift leader. I probably would have stuck that out.
We love that despite your modern know-how and forward-thinking style, you pay homage to the past and your energy is driven by nostalgia:
What inspired you to make the album?
The final form of the album was finding 90s and 00s aesthetics . We had a bunch of songs ready from a previous album that wasn’t released. I realised that these songs had a similar theme then we brought in some new tracks like 'BMW'. I wanted to write about the BMW M3 because it’s such a classic car. I got inspired to write all these old nostalgic lyrics about Clifford the Big Red Dog, Rugrats, Friends, proper old references. All that kind of stuff just bled into the album slowly. Even the album cover looks old and vintage, the videos too.
We love that you aren't satisfied with your current acclaim, but are driven to change the wider musical landscape:
How are you feeling about the albums release?
I want to make something timeless. I’m still waiting for my timeless song, my '3 Nights', my 'EARFQUAKE'. The song that’s going to carry me over. I know it will happen and I know I’m going to love that song so much.
We love that the concept behind your new album Teenage Motel are wonderfully weird and oddly specific
There is such a wide array of emotions on the album. What are you trying to convey thematically? I wanted it to be: on a lads holiday, you go away, fall in love with someone, always go back to them for the week, then you leave and it ends and you never see or speak to them again. I wanted to go through a narrative. They are driving to this motel, they find each other, fall in love, something happens and it ends and it’s a really sad moment. Proper teenage love.
We love that your focused on the future and have massive plans for the next steps:
Where do you want to take your artistry?
I want to do mad tours. Just travelling everything. I have an idea for the next album that is going to be even more DIY and rough than this one. I want to get some nice features on there as well. In my head I can see everything I want, it’s about execution now.
With no sign of slowing down and enduring a sound that has room for boundless sonic and thematic expansion, Yxngxr1 looks set to drive off into the sunset of seamless success - no doubt he’ll have a great time doing so.

Words by Ben Tibbits