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Joe James Premieres Yet Another New Drill Freestyle: 'One Mic Freestyle'

Following on from his freestyle frenzy just a few short months ago, Joe James continues to experiment with drill-type instrumentals on yet another track, titled One Mic Freestyle.

Throughout his freestyle series, we listen carefully as Joe experiments with a variety of different styles, from more lo-fi, trancelike singles such as Blackfriars Freestyle to extremely raw, hard-hitting tracks like Gotham Freestyle.

In One Mic, it appears Joe has found his element when it comes to drill, delivering both heavy flows and precise lyrics which hit perfectly to the beat. The menacing new single has already gained enormous levels of support online, with the Youtube comment section flooded with promising feedback. Could we see more from Joe James as 2020 comes to a close?

Check out One Mic Freestyle below:


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