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Photography & Direction by Aisha Seriki

Photography Assistance by Maryam Seriki

Fashion by Lili ZhaoPaolina Russo

Makeup Artist by Karla Q Leon 

Stylist by Abisola Alaka

Modelled by Nayana Iz

Aisha Seriki is a Nigerian, London based creative specialising in portrait/fashion Photography. At the age of 8, her family immigrated from South East Asia to the UK and she has been residing in South London ever since. Aisha’s interest in photography stems from her father's obsession with documentation; specifically, that of all her significant childhood events.


She is currently studying for an Undergraduate Degree in Global Liberal Arts at SOAS and hopes to pursue photography full time thereafter. Aisha’s main influences are the creative minds such as Adrienne Raquel, Solmaz Saberi, and Nadine Ijewere and much of her work is centred around and created as a commentary on prevalent, global social issues.

Nayana IZ


Words by Aisha Seriki


Raised in North London, 19-year-old Nayana IZ is a multi-genre musician who is crafting her own space in the music industry. Nayana, is a go getter, and has made several strides since she has emerged in the music scene. She is a member of the West London music and art collective, Nine8. Nayana made her solo debut last year with her high tempo rap single ‘How We Do’. With her unique music and style, she proudly flies the flag of heritage. The experimental and psychedelic visuals of ‘How We Do’ reflect the fluidity of her vibe as she confidently marries her Indian roots with her London culture. 


She is a natural star, and expresses herself freely without any restrictions. I first met Nayana at the Red Bull x Nine 8 event last summer, I was instantly warmed by her joyous spirit, and her infectious laugh.


Nayana's boldness is gaining her attention, and she is defo one to watch out for this year.

I shot and caught up with Nayana to discuss her heritage and also her experiences within the music industry


A conversation with Nayana IZ

Interview by Aisha Seriki

AS: Describe your music in three words?


NI: Unpredictable, Real, Feels.


AS: What is your background?


NI: I am fully Indian my mums from Punjab and my dad’s from Manipur.


AS: Does your heritage influence your sound? If so how?

NI: Yes heavily, I feel the music I was making when I was younger was so westernised. The music I’ve been creating recently includes not only instruments from my country, but the vocals techniques, which actually release healing energy through their frequencies.


AS: What is the balance between London and India in your sound, does one out way other?


NI: I was never taught any Indian language by my parents (even though my dad knew 10!). So yes, naturally it would mean my British side outweighs my Indian side in my music because most of my musical work is vocal.  I am learning Hindi and Punjabi though so not for long.


AS: What have your experiences been like so far as a brown woman in the music industry?


NI: I’ve had some days feeling so powerful when some rooms I enter and feel the vibes and every word I say being heavily judged. It’s just the way things are because some people are so backwards. It never touches me though, I’ll let them watch me pass them. Don’t need their help.

AS: How did your parents react to your decision to do music full time? Did you get any resistance from them?


NI: Not too bad actually, my mum supported me and my dad wasn't too sure. Now they support my so solid I love my parents they are my world.


AS: Can you describe your music process?

NI: My music process is scraping all the processes and doing what feels right in my body, mind and heart that day. That way the most I can will flow out naturally. If it’s not the day, I don't have anything meaningful to say and that's ok. Meaningful Work > Forced.


AS: Who are your favourite artists in the UK? 

NI: All my friends. NINE8, ANGEL GABRIEL, RIZLOSKI, JOVIALE and many more! I have attracted the most genuine and real artists I could ever think of through music. They shock me every day with the soul they put in their work, been looking for this all my life and found a whole group of them through showing my soul. Real attract real.




AS: If you could work with any artist dead or alive who would it be?


NI: MF DOOM essentially this man was a second dad, he helped shape my mind through music when I lost hope and was plain lost in this world

AS: Can you tell me more about the music you will be releasing this year? What can we expect?


NI: Damn, I’ve got a lot on the way, new EP! The first single from that is out now! There will be plenty of videos. Gonna be gass!


Nayana’s debut single “How We Do” is out now on all platforms.

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